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About the CIL

The Mayoral CIL charging schedule was introduced on 1 April 2012.

The Mayoral CIL 2 charging schedule was introduced 1 April 2019.

We adopted our new Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging schedule on 24 July 2024 which came into force on 26 July.

This new CIL charging schedule (2024) supersedes the previous charging schedule (2015). The new charges plus indexation set out in the new CIL charging schedule applies to:

  • all planning permissions granted from 26 July 2024
  • some phased planning permissions granted before 26 July except for some outline planning permissions as referred to in the CIL Regulations 2010 (paragraph 2, Schedule 1)

For other planning permissions granted before 26 July, the previous CIL charging schedule (2015) rates plus indexation will apply.

The Royal Borough of Greenwich revised CIL charging schedule was examined in May 2024. View details of the draft CIL charging schedule examination and examiner's final report

The infrastructure that will likely be funded by CIL is set out in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan under the Local Plan evidence base.

Where CIL applies

CIL applies to any development that creates a new dwelling or 100 square metres or more of new floor space.

All planning applications involving the construction of new floor space need to provide the following with their application:

You should submit these forms as part of your planning application.

How CIL is calculated

CIL is calculated at the time planning permission is granted - at this point, a liability notice will be issued confirming how much CIL is payable.

Before development starts, the person who pays CIL must serve both of the following:

The Council will then issue a demand notice for the CIL payment in accordance with its instalments policy. If a commencement notice isn't received, surcharges apply and full payment is due immediately.

Charges for Mayoral CIL

£35 per square metre of gross internal area (GIA), for developments where planning permission first permits development prior to 1 April 2019.

£25 per square metre of gross internal area (GIA), for developments where planning permission first permits development on or after 1 April 2019.

£35 per square metre of net additional floor area.

Charges for Royal Greenwich CIL

View the CIL charging schedule (2015) 

Annual CIL rate summary

In accordance with Regulation 121C of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations 2010 (as amended), the Royal Borough of Greenwich as a CIL charging authority is issuing this Annual CIL Rate Summary.

Annual rates are shown for:

  1. Borough CIL 1 (BCIL1), adopted 6th April 2015 (Table 1), effective 6th April 2015 to 23rd July 2024; and
  2. Borough CIL 2 (BCIL2), adopted 24th July 2024 (Table 2), effective from 24th July 2024 to 31st December 2025.

View the annual CIL rate summary

Permitted development

In some cases, a permitted development may be of a scale to trigger the liability to CIL. In these cases, it is the responsibility of the developer to serve a notice of chargeable development on the Royal Borough of Greenwich before starting development.

The Council will then calculate and apply the CIL charge as though planning permission had been issued.

Download the notice of chargeable development form

Exemptions from CIL

The following types of development are exempt and can get relief from CIL:

To claim relief on self-build new homes or residential extensions or annexes, you need to complete one of the following forms:

The Royal Borough of Greenwich has taken the decision to withdraw exceptional circumstances relief.

View the statement on this decision

Exceptional Circumstances Relief will no longer be available as of 28 September 2022.

Community Infrastructure Levy and S106 financial reports