What a care plan is

A care plan explains why children are living where they are - in a foster home, residential home, or other arrangements.

It sets out what should happen while the child is living under these arrangements, and what should happen at the end of their stay.

Most children and young people will go home, but a few continue to live with other families and in other homes. Older young people may live in semi-independence units to help them prepare for living on their own.

Care plan reviews

Every looked-after child has an allocated social worker who is responsible for visiting the child on a regular basis to make sure the placement is meeting all of their needs.

The child will also have an Independent Reviewing Officer (IRO).

Regular meetings called Looked-After Reviews are held to review the care plan. These meetings are held by the child's IRO.

Parents are encouraged to attend these meetings and to have as much contact with their child as is reasonable.

Read our guide for looked-after children and young people:

To find out more about care plans, contact Children's Services by email at mash-referrals@royalgreenwich.gov.uk or call 020 8921 3172

Independent Reviewing Officers

The Council's Independent Reviewing Officers review the care plans of each looked-after child.

An Independent Reviewing Officer will usually chair care plan review meetings.

These officers must make sure that the looked after child's views and concerns are understood and taken into account in each child's care plan.

They will identify which people are responsible for making sure that any recommendations that come out of a child's care plan review are implemented. They are also able to assess the quality and effectiveness of the Council's planning and support for the children it looks after.

Independent Reviewing Officer's role in complaints

Children, care leavers, or adults who have requested or received a service from Children's Services are entitled to make complaints to the Independent Reviewing Officer about the services they use.

To find out more, contact the Independent Reviewing Officer.