How a child is taken into our care
Children are usually best cared for in their own families and we do everything we can to help parents and families look after their children.
However, there are times when children aren't able to live with their families. In these situations, the children may be cared for by the Royal Borough of Greenwich. This is called being taken into care or looked after.
Why children may be in care or looked after
There are a variety of reasons why children and young people have to live away from their families from time to time. This can happen when there is no one else to look after them because:
- parents or carers are unwell
- the family is having difficulties
- children have a disability and their family requires short or longer-term respite care
- children are in the care of the local authority due to a court order.
Before a child becomes looked after, social workers look very carefully at the child's situation. Everybody must be certain that alternative care is the best option.
Parents, carers and children are involved as much as possible. It is very important that the child's feelings and wishes are heard.
All options for children who need care will be considered. We will consider whether it is possible for the child to be looked after by other family members, or close friends.
We will consider if the child could be fostered for a while, or if residential services would be in the child's best interests.
If a child is to become looked after without a court order, the person who has parental responsibility needs to agree.
They will be asked to sign an agreement and give consent for medical treatment in an emergency.
Wherever possible, plans are made to work with the family and the child with the aim of returning the child safely to the care of their family, with support if necessary.
What if a parent will not give consent?
If our Children's Services team thinks that a child is at risk of significant harm, and those with parental responsibility will not give consent for a child to become looked after, a court application may be made to remove the child from the family home.
Right to legal representation
The social worker must complete an assessment and provide a full statement and care plan so that the court can make an informed decision. Those with parental responsibility have the right to legal representation, and a solicitor and a guardian will represent the child's interests.
If the child is made subject to a full care order, parental responsibility is shared with the local authority and permanent care plans are made. These may include:
- rehabilitation home
- placement with relatives or friends
- adoption
- special guardianship
- long-term fostering
Read our guide for looked-after children and young people:
Read our Sufficiency Commissioning Stability Strategy:
Further information
To find out more, contact Children's Services by email at or call 020 8921 3172.