Choosing the right childcare for you and your child

Consider your options


When you're looking for the right type of childcare for you and your child, it may be useful to: 

  • visit a few options in your area to understand what would suit your child
  • take your child to the visits to see how the staff talk with them
  • pick a good time to visit so that you can see if the children there are calm, happy and busy 


When you are visiting a childcare provider, you can check if: 

  • the children are playing and talking together
  • staff are listening to the children and answering them
  • staff are friendly and proud of their work
  • staff are joining in with what the children are doing
  • children have lots of fun activities to learn and play, especially if they can plan those activities themselves
  • there are clean toys and equipment
  • the premises is clean, well-kept and safe for children with an outside area or park children can easily get to
  • parents can say what they want for their children 


If you want to know anything else, do not be afraid to ask. Good childcare staff expect you to ask questions and should be happy to answer them.

We’ve put together some questions you can ask when you visit. 

  • How long have you been working with children?
  • What qualifications do you have?
  • Can I look around the building to see the rooms and outside play space?
  • If there is no outside play space: How will you make sure my child gets the chance to play outside?
  • Where will my child rest?
  • What kind of food and drink will you give?
  • What will my child do all day?
  • How do you encourage good behaviour?
  • Will my child be with a regular group of children?
  • How old are they?
  • How will their timetable fit in with my child?
  • How will you make sure I know how my child is getting on? 


Make sure you: 

  • get references
  • speak to other parents about your chosen provider
  • listen to your child if they are unhappy
  • trust your feelings about the provider 

Childcare quality and standards 

The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) is a government department responsible for making sure childcare standards are met. This includes inspecting and regulating registered childcare providers for safety and suitability. 

Registered childcare providers must: 

  • meet certain minimum standards of childcare provision
  • have a suitable premises
  • have suitable staff who meet Disclosure and Barring checks 

If a school is providing childcare, they do not need to be registered as Ofsted will check this during the normal school inspection. 

Find out more on inspecting registered childcare providers (GOV.UK) 

Childcare for children under 5 years old 

Childcare providers caring for children from birth to 31 August after their fifth birthday must: 

  • register with Ofsted on the Early Years Register
  • deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 

The EYFS sets standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 years old. 

Childcare for children aged 5 years and older 

Childcare providers can register with Ofsted on the General Childcare Register. This can be: 

  • compulsory for childcare providers of children from 5 to 7 years old
  • voluntary for childcare providers of children over 8 years old 

Some providers such as nannies and activity based childcare providers like dance, sports or drama can volunteer to join the register.

Make a complaint about a childcare provider 

If you’re worried or concerned about your child’s care, you should speak to your childcare provider first. 

If you’re still not satisfied, you can contact Ofsted to complain about childcare (GOV.UK)