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Royal Greenwich has a long and proud history of co-operation.

It is home to one of the few local development agencies in the country.

There is a good base of co-operative activity in the borough. But what does the future of co-operation look like?

The Greenwich Co-operative Commission will allow people to:

  • reflect on best practice
  • explore a long-term vision for the sector that helps address some of the big issues residents and businesses face.

Tell us your thoughts on the future of co-operation 

We want to hear your views on:

  • New co-operative start-ups and business transitions: Co-operatives play a vital role in boosting local economic development and creating resilient, good-paying jobs. By fostering new co-operative enterprises and supporting existing ones, we can strengthen our economy and provide workers with a greater stake in their businesses. We want to create an environment for new co-operative businesses to develop quickly and flourish in Greenwich. 
  • Community Energy: Through community energy projects, we can empower local communities to own and generate renewable energy, contributing to a more sustainable future for all. Your insights and experiences can help ensure that the advantages of community energy and other energy-saving projects reach every corner of our borough for the benefit of residents in Greenwich. 
  • Social care: Our social care system is facing significant challenges, and co-operatives offer a promising alternative that prioritizes high-quality services over profits. Your input on how we can establish social care co-operatives that truly serve the needs of our communities will be invaluable. To explore how we encourage the establishment of social care co-ops in Greenwich.