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The community engagement framework sets out our plan to improve the quality of life and health of our residents.  

We did research and ran consultations to create the Community Engagement Pledge. Read the findings that shaped the pledge in the Community Engagement Pledge Look Back report

We have also created the Community Engagement Pledge handbook which explains how we will deliver community engagement activities including consultations. 

During this engagement, we heard that the community wanted:  

  • to help support Council improvements 
  • their voices heard and the community reflected in the decisions we make 

The framework outlines how we can start to engage more often to address key messages from communities and partners.  

Mission 15 of Our Greenwich 

Our Council is better at listening to communities, and communities feel they are heard.

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What we’re doing 

Community engagement means involving residents and communities in projects, service improvements and decisions that affect their lives. 

Engagement activities may come from:  

  • formal statutory processes like planning consultations 
  • informal engagement  
  • delivery of local projects 
  • working to improve the overall health and wellbeing, education, housing, employment 
  • how we allocate our budget  

Why we’re doing this 

Doing more community engagement helps us to: 

  • make better decisions  
  • save money by having more efficient services 
  • understand what to invest in and what policies to refine 
  • transform the council so we better reflect our society and communities  
  • make the right decisions and use the solutions based on community needs and interests 
  • build trust and partnerships to make use of joint resources and actions we take 

The framework is split into 2 parts.  

How we're delivering the strategy

Groups of people including school children, young people with SEND, parents and babies, young people and older people on a purple banner