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Apply for Council Tax Support

Council Tax Support is a scheme to reduce council tax bills for people on a low income. You can apply whether you are in or out of work. Homeowners can also get this help, regardless of the value of your home.

To qualify for Council Tax Support:

  • you must be liable for council tax
  • your income must be low enough to satisfy the means test
  • your savings must not exceed £16,000 (unless you are also receiving the guarantee element of Pension Credit).  Savings over £6,000 (or £10,000 for pensioners) will affect how much you get.

Your award is generally credited directly to your council tax bill.

How much you get

Currently, Council Tax Support covers up to 100% of the council tax bill.

From 1 April 2025, our scheme will change.

For working age households, Council Tax Support will cover up to 80% of the council tax bill.

For pensioner age households, Council Tax Support will cover up to 100% of the council tax bill.

How much you get depends on your income, savings and circumstances.

From 1 April 2025, how earnings and income is taken into account will change for working age households.

For working age households, the earnings taper will change from 15% to 25%.

For pensioner households, the earnings taper will remain at 20%.

The earnings taper determines how much Council Tax Support is provided as earnings or other income increases.

For every £1 above a set threshold, the level of support adjusts by the taper rate. This means that the level of support will reduce as income grows.

You will receive maximum help if you are on one of the following benefits:
•    Income Support
•    Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
•    Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
•    Pension Credit Guarantee

Your Council Tax Support may be reduced if other adults live with you at home. This is known as a non-dependant deduction.

Currently, for working-age households, the non-dependant deduction is a flat rate of £5 per week. 

From 1 April 2025, our scheme will change. The flat rate for non-dependant deductions for working-age households will be £10 per week.

There are exemptions from the non-dependant deduction if:
•    The claimant or partner are in receipt of a disability benefit
•    The non-dependant is a full-time student

For pensioner households, the non-dependant deduction charge varies between £4.90 - £15.10 depending on the level of income which the non-dependant has.

There are exemptions from the non-dependant deduction if:
•    The claimant or partner are in receipt of a disability benefit
•    The non-dependant is a full-time student
•    The non-dependant is in receipt of a passported benefit and has no earned income

How to claim

Claims must usually be made online. You can request for claims to be backdated for up to six months for people of working age, or up to three months for people who have reached pension age. 

If you receive Universal Credit you have to make a separate claim for Council Tax Support. Remember to claim within one month to ensure that you do not miss out.

Start your application now  

Other help with council tax

Even if you cannot get Council Tax Support, you could qualify for a council tax discount or exemption, for example if you live alone, or if your home has been adapted to meet the needs of a disabled person. You may also qualify for a Second Adult Rebate if you share your home with another adult (not your partner) who cannot pay towards the council tax. Other ways to reduce your council tax bill.