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Kids Festival: Brunch and Learn

Winter is here but don’t let the cold keep you away from an exciting time at Kids Festival Winter Brunch and Learn!

Bring your kids to join us for 4 days whilst we create our own holiday fun! In this four-day holiday programme, we will be encouraging the children to tap into their creative sides via lots of different festive-themed activities to celebrate the holidays.

This will include learning some Christmas carols, card making, performance skills, physical activities, and art.

Though the weather may be cold, we hope to inspire the children to have fun and get creative indoors by exploring music, dance, art and more.

Children, invite your friends to register and start off your winter holidays on a delightful note.

Type of programme
Sports and creative arts
5 to 15
SEND provision

We do not offer specialist SEND provision but are able to support targeted SEND provision where we have a member of staff who is trained to support children in a variety of ways to help them settle and engage meaningfully with the activities.

Most of our activities are group based and supportive of varying abilities, so that children do not feel excluded or less able to deliver. We encourage children to support one another and we ensure no one is left out.

For example, when we have a child / children requiring targeted SEND support, we allocate a staff member to them and they will monitor their engagement and support requirement in the group activities. They will help them settle when they first arrive and will sit on their table during meal times. We provide a report to the parents at the end of the day's session.

For more information, please, contact us initially via email to arrange a discussion about your child and their required support:

Monday 23 December, Tuesday 24 December, Monday 30 December, Tuesday 31 December
10am to 2pm
Moorings Sociable Club, Arnott Close
Social media
Facebook, Twitter and |nstagram: KidsFestivalUK
To register, phone:
07957 473 394
Booking link
To register, e-mail:
Name of programme
Summer Brunch and Learn
Name of organisation
Kids Festival