Wentworth House
- Name of establishment
Wentworth House
- Address
Wentworth House,
35 Charlton Road,
London SE3 7HH
- Area
Charlton and Blackheath
- Scheme manager availability
Monday to Friday: Office hours
- Telephone
020 8858 9093 or 020 8921 4040
- Location description
Accessible by local transport
Close to local shops, post office and bank
- Transport links
Bus: 53, 54, 386, 422
- Accommodation
41 units: 35 one bedroom flats, 5 two bedroom flats, 10 wheelchair adapted one bedroom flats
- Facilities
Bookable guest flat
Communal lounge
Library room
- Leisure
Social club
- Weekly events
Monday: bingo
Tuesday: sit and get fit
Wednesday: bingo
Thursday: shopping bus, lunch club
Friday: coffee morning, raffle, bingo
- Monthly events
Tenants scheme meeting
- Visiting services