Hider Court
- Name of establishment
Hider Court
- Address
Hider Court,
Hervey Road,
London SE3 8RR
- Area
Charlton and Blackheath
- Scheme manager availability
Monday - Friday: Office hours
- Telephone
020 8319 1426 or 020 8921 4043
- Location description
Accessible by local transport
Local shops and post office
- Transport links
Bus: 386, 178, 89
Train: Blackheath
- Accommodation
46 Units: 41 one-bedroom flats, 5 two-bedroom flats (adapted for wheelchair use)
- Facilities
Laundry - washer, dryer
Bookable guest flat
Communal lounge
Library room
- Leisure
Social club
- Weekly events
Monday: Hoy card games
Tuesday: hairdresser
Wednesday: shopping bus, hairdresser, afternoon tea, occasional party
Thursday and Friday: Hoy card games
Weekends: occasional afternoon tea
- Monthly events
Tenants scheme meeting
- Visiting services
Mobile Library