Bill Walden House
- Name of establishment
Bill Walden House
- Address
Bill Walden House,
70 Wellington Street,
London SE18 6PY
- Area
- Scheme manager availability
Monday to Friday: Office hours
- Telephone
020 8316 0620 or 020 8921 4085
- Location description
Accessible local transport and local shops, The Woolwich Centre, Woolwich Library and Town Hall within 2 minutes walking distance
- Transport links
Bus: 54, 53, 422, 380, 291
Train: Woolwich Arsenal BR, Woolwich Arsenal DLR
- Accommodation
44 units: 25 one-bedroom flats (singles), 3 two-bedroom flats, 16 one-bedroom flats (couples)
- Facilities
Laundry - 2 washing machines, 1 dryer
Communal garden, roof terrace
Communal lounge
Communal library
Communal toilets
- Leisure
Bill Walden Social Club managed by the tenants
- Weekly events
Monday: coffee afternoon
Tuesday: bingo
Wednesday: coffee morning
Friday: shopping bus, bingo
Saturday: bingo
Sunday: coffee morning
- Monthly events
Social club: outings/trips, buffet teas, fish and chips suppers
Tenants' scheme meeting communal service
- Visiting services
Meals on Wheels
Chemist - prescription delivery
Holy Communion service