- Title
- Willow Dene
- Description
- A primary school with nursery for children with severe and complex special educational needs.
- Address
Swingate Lane,
London SE18 2JD - Telephone
- 020 8854 9841
- contact@willowdene.greenwich.sch.uk
- Website
- http://www.willowdene.greenwich.sch.uk/
- https://twitter.com/WillowDeneSch
- Area
- Plumstead
- Map reference
- Age range
- 3 to 11 years
- SEND provision
- https://www.willowdene.compassps.uk/page/?title=SEND+Local+Offer&pid=46
- Headteacher
- Rachel Harrison
- Further information
- Admission through SEN and Assessment Service, as all children have a statement of special educational needs.
- After-school play club details
- http://www.willowdene.greenwich.sch.uk/node/185