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What we do

Customer service handles customer interactions on behalf of the Council. We provide information about our services, process requests and respond to customer complaints.

Our service can be accessed online via email, over the phone or face-to-face. All of our interactions are logged on our Customer Relationship Management system.

Why we need your information and how we use it

We process this data for the following reasons:

  • to ensure we meet our legal requirements
  • to allow us to communicate and provide services appropriate to your needs
  • where necessary to protect citizens from harm or injury
  • to identify residents and users for the purpose of notifying them of proposed or planned changes to services that may affect them
  • to assist the Council in responding to emergencies or major accidents. This allows the Council, in conjunction with the emergency services, to identify citizens who may need additional support.

Phone calls to our customer service team may be recorded for training and quality improvement purposes.

What is our power to obtain and use personal data?

We are allowed to process personal and sensitive data for the following reasons:

  • For compliance with a legal obligation
  • For public tasks or statutory functions
  • For a contract for the supply of requested goods or services
  • With consent, where there is documented evidence of that consent
  • For legitimate Interests
  • For vital interests to protect life

For service level details see service specific privacy notices.

As a local authority, we have a public duty to ensure vulnerable residents of our borough have an emergency out of hours’ service they can contact should a medical or social emergency arise. The information you provide us with will be used to assist us in identifying the most suitable options for dealing with your emergency call. The data we hold is shared with the emergency services and our visiting and response service to help provide emergency assistance to our customers.

Some other examples of how we use your data are provided below; please note this is not an exhaustive list:

  • to enable us to provide an emergency lifeline service
  • the emergency and other relevant services 
  • to provide additional support/assistance to you
  • to ensure that we meet your specific needs
  • we record all calls into the service via our Telecare Monitoring System - these calls may be used for training purposes or to review case call handling
What type of information we collect

When you contact us by phone, email or via the Council's website we may need to collect personal information about you or your family so that the appropriate service can be provided.

The information we require from you may include personal information, such as:

  • first name
  • family name or surname
  • address
  • contact details
  • date of birth
  • date of death
  • relationship information
  • payment information
  • marital status
Who we may share your information with

Your information may be shared with the following:

  • internal departments
  • other local authorities (education, social care and relevant housing and employment and other services)
  • Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs)
  • NHS Trusts
  • NHS Foundation Trusts
  • Local Health Boards
  • agencies we have a duty to co-operate with, such as Police, Fire Brigade and London Ambulance Service.
How long we keep your information
Data is kept in accordance with departmental time limits as information is forwarded on to other services within the Council.
Version date
June 2019