- What we're thinking about building on this site
We have been given approval to build a total of eight homes, consisting of:
- Six one-bedroom flats
- Two two-bedroom flats
- Eight car parking spaces
These homes will all be available to people on our housing waiting list at truly affordable rents, and will be built to zero carbon sustainability standards using technology such as solar panels and air souce heat pumps. This will also make them cheaper to run for our tenants.
- Current status
- This site is under construction
- How can residents have their say on our plans?
All neighbouring residents were invited to view and give feedback via our online consultation in December. Visit the Planning Portalto see details of the approved scheme.
- Planned completion date
- Spring 2025
- Images
- Other information
See the latest updates for this scheme on the developer's website.
Response to concerns raised in our public consultation
There are now over 20,000 households on our housing waiting lists, and to address this urgent need we've committed to building 750 new Council homes across the borough with our Greenwich Builds programme. The current set of garages on Condover Crescent are vacant, so we've idenfitified this and other underutilised sites as having development potential for much needed new homes.
The new homes will be orientated so that direct overlooking from habitable rooms to the amenity spaces and habitable rooms of neighbouring properties is avoided. The elevations facing south towards Moordown will only have bathroom windows with obscure glass.
A daylight/sunlight assessment is being carried out for the development as requested by planning officers. This is will form part of the Planning Application and expected to demonstrate that any reduction in light will to existing neighbours, including the adjoining flats at 48-98 Brent Road, will be negligible.
A full ground investigation is being carried out to establish the condition of the soils beneath this sloping site. Project engineers will develop a foundation solution that is fully appropriate to the existing ground conditions and ensure the avoidance of any subsidence.
There will be a condition of any planning permission that will require details of all boundary treatments to be submitted and approved by the council.
The designs of the buildings are continually being worked on and improved, and this process will continue right up to planning application submission stage. The designs are developed in consultation with the council’s planning and design officers and the intention is to provide modern blocks of flats which are appropriate in the context of the existing adjoining blocks of flats 48-98 Brent Road, in robust and attractive materials and details. A clean contemporary design approach taken. The predominant material is brick using two contrasting light and dark shades to reflect and compliment the brick colours found in the adjoining flats.
Access to the site for construction works will be solely from Condover Crescent. The existing access to the rear of properties on Moordown will be unaffected. There will be a condition of any planning permission that a Construction Management Plan or similar will need to be submitted and approved by the council prior to any construction works taking place. This will detail how the contractor will control their operations during the construction period. The council will also dictate the hours and days of the week when work can be carried out. Ultimately, the construction period is finite and any disruption or inconvenience will be kept to a minimum.
Yes. A consultation will be carried out by Planning who are independent from Greenwich Builds. Planning will then consider the consultation, assess the application in full and provide a recommendation, which will be heard at a future Planning committee.
Parking provision is in accordance with the London Plan for a site of this size in a location with a low level of public transport accessibility. A Transport Technical Note has been produced to accompany the planning application. It concludes that the proposals should not result in any detrimental impacts in transport terms. A parking survey is also being carried out to support this.
The new development is in accordance with the dwelling densities prescribed in the London Plan for a site of this size in a location with a low level of public transport accessibility. The new dwellings will be designed as a minimum to the London Plan / Nationally Described Space Standard for 1-bedroom 2-person and 2-bedroom 4-person flats.
A full landscaping design will be required as a condition of any planning permission. A landscape design strategy has been prepared as part of the planning application The architects have been looking at how the increase the green areas within the development, reducing the amount of hard surfacing with soft landscaping, whilst taking full consideration of maintenance issues.
The panoramic views from Condover Crescent to the north-west across London will be maintained.
- This page was last updated on
- 27/06/2024