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Contractors: Alexander James
Emergency contact details
Tomas Sirinskas: 07586 230 265
Kevin Mullarkey: 07730 747 931

What we're thinking about building on this site

Two three-bedroom wheelchair-accessible homes, each with a garden and parking space

Current status
Our new homes are now complete!
How can residents have their say on our plans?

We consulted with local residents at a meeting and online in September 2019, and amended our plans in response to resident feedback. Our designs were then submitted for planning approval, with residents able to give further feedback, and these designs have now been approved.

Planning consent
Planned completion date
Early 2021

Sustainability credentials

The following technologies have been incorporated into the design of our new homes to maximise sustainability and minimise environmental impact:

  • Zero carbon homes
  • Constructed using SIPs (Structural Insulated Panels), which can be extremely air tight with systems having air leakage rates of 0.08 air changes per hour, far below the required minimum of 0.5 changes per hour 
  • The SIP panel system is highly sustainable, being Timber PEFC certified.  
  • Photovoltaic (solar) panels for both the flat and pitched roofs in order to maximise energy production
  • The masonry building and high ceilings (2.5m) will allow for heat management within the building
  • Green roofs will be implemented on all of the flat roofed houses in order to reduce the heat island effect and significantly improve biodiversity and drainage/run-off
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