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2024-08-21 SEE Webinar: Using QR Codes For Lead Generation

South East Enterprise
QR codes are a great way to allow prospects to access your content easily.

They can also be used to generate leads, when used to direct prospects to sign up for information, news or downloads.

In this webinar SEE will cover:
• What are QR codes?
• Advantages and disadvantages of using QR codes
• How to setup QR codes
• What QR codes can do and how they help drive traffic to your business
• Free QR code sites - how not to get caught out by free trial followed by subscription model
• Creating an email sign up form using Mailchimp (email marketing software)
• Using QR codes to link to email signup forms
• Adding a link to a lead magnet (gated content) using an automated email response

This 2 hour workshop will equip you with the knowledge to write well planned, optimised content for your website. You will leave having written your 'home' and 'about us' page. This workshop includes:
- Free
- Researching keywords
- Writing tips and current Google requirements
- Plan pages needed and content required
- Rewrite or write 2 pages of new content
- Adding links
- Using images
- Tools to monitor search ranking

This course is delivered under the Local London E-Business programme
Wednesday 21 August 2024
10:30 - 12:30
Free (if registered)