Available downloads
The Royal Borough of Greenwich's Constitution
Our constitution has been designed to ensure that the decisions we make are efficient, transparent and accountable to you.
British Standards Institution certification
View our quality management systems and environmental management systems certificates from the BSI (British Standards Institution).
Letter from HRH The Duke of Edinburgh
Letter from HRH The Duke of Edinburgh on Greenwich being conferred Royal Borough status
Scrutiny review proposal form and guidance
This is a form which enables you to make a proposal for a topic or issue which requires further investigation. You can also read guidance about giving evidence.
Housing service performance reports
The reports show the standards and timescales you should expect council housing services and whether we have met our targets.
Population reports: Overview
Find out more about the socio-economic and geo-demographic profile of the borough and its residents.
Population reports: Specific population analysis
These documents provide a range of analyses related to Royal Greenwich's population make-up. This includes migration patterns, population estimates and projections, and new communities.
Population reports: Language, ethnicity and religion
Download analyses of the latest official datasets to understand the ethnic, language and religious profiles of the borough's residents.
Population reports: Housing analysis
These analytical reports identifying trends between household types and the socio-economic characteristics of residents.
Population reports: Transport analysis
These analyses relate to transport data across Royal Greenwich, including the commuting patterns of residents.
Population reports: Wealth and deprivation
Download analysis on household wealth and deprivation in the borough.
Greenwich Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment
This looks at pharmacy services in Greenwich and determines whether they meet local needs.
Modern slavery and human trafficking
This statement sets out the steps we take to prevent modern slavery in our supply chains and through our business.