Available downloads
Biodiversity Action Plan
The plan identifies things we can do to enhance biodiversity, as well as six priority habitats and six priority species.
Authority Monitoring Report
Authority Monitoring Reports (AMR) assess our progress in preparing the Local Plan and our success in planning policy implementation.
Local Development Scheme
The Local Development Scheme (LDS) is a project plan for the production of the Local Plan.
Statement of Community Involvement
This sets out how we intend to involve the public and other stakeholders in planning policy-making and consultation on planning applications.
Retail Capacity Study
The Retail Capacity Study is one of the background documents the Council is preparing as evidence for the Core Strategy.
Masterplans statements of consultation and adoption
Masterplans for four areas in Royal Greenwich were adopted on 12 April 2012. They are: Charlton Riverside, Eltham Town Centre, Greenwich Peninsula West and Woolwich Riverside.
Affordable housing assessment
The viability of affordable housing targets, thresholds and tenure splits in the borough.
Supplementary Planning Guidance downloads
Some of the Supplementary Planning Guidance documents are available for download from this page.
Core Strategy submission documents
The Core Strategy with Development Management Policies was submitted to the Secretary of State on 9 September 2013. Download the full statement and supporting documents.
Core Strategy examination documents
You can download the hearings schedule and inspector's guidance. For modifications, statements of common ground and statements addressing specific issues, please refer to the examination library.
Community Infrastructure Levy draft charging policy statement of modifications
Download representations in response to the community infrastructure levy draft charging schedule statement of modifications.
Community Infrastructure Levy draft charging schedule examination hearing documents
These are representations made in response to the Examiner's issues and questions (ED2).
Royal Borough of Greenwich community infrastructure levy
Documents and forms relating to the Royal Borough of Greenwich community infrastructure levy (CIL).
Core Strategy with detailed policies
A strategic planning document that provides a long-term vision for Royal Greenwich. It also contains detailed policies to guide development.
Site allocations documents
Read the documents associated with the preparation of the Site Allocations Local Plan.
Strategic flood risk assessment Greenwich
This report is the strategic flood risk assessment for the Royal Borough of Greenwich.
South East Housing Market Assessment
Documents relating to the South East Housing Marketing Assessment
Employment Land Review
An assessment of the quantity, quality and viability of the employment land in the borough.
Towards a Greener Royal Greenwich
Towards a Greener Royal Greenwich - Green Infrastructure Study 2017 contains evidence on green infrastructure, open space and biodiversity within the borough.
Infrastructure Delivery Plan
This supports the production of the Core Strategy. It identifies the future infrastructure and service needs for the borough for the plan period.
Planning application floorspace
Form to be completed as part of the Community Infrastructure Levy application.
Brownfield land register
The brownfield land register is a list of sites that can be used for housing in the Royal Borough.
Retail and Leisure Study 2018
The Retail and Leisure Study assesses the borough-wide need for new retail and leisure floorspace over the next 20 years.
Community Infrastructure Levy and S106 financial reports
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and S106 income and spend
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) developer contributions data
Data that informs the CIL infrastructure funding statement.
Urban Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
The Supplementary Planning Document provides more detailed guidance on the design policies in the current Core Strategy.
Characterisation and Tall Buildings Study
Documents relating to the Characterisation and Tall Buildings Study
Planning enforcement strategy 2017
This document sets out the council’s strategy for planning enforcement in the Royal Borough of Greenwich.
Submission documents Community Infrastructure Levy draft charging schedule
Download submission documents relating to the Royal Borough of Greenwich community infrastructure levy (CIL) draft charging schedule review.
Developers' Engagement Charter
This sets out the council's community engagement expectations for developers on major development schemes.