Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and S106 income and spend Infrastructure Funding Statement 2023-24File type: PDFSize: 13.67 MBDownload Infrastructure Funding Statement 2023-24 Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022-23File type: PDFSize: 2.28 MBDownload Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022-23 Infrastructure Funding Statement 2021-22File type: PDFSize: 2.34 MBDownload Infrastructure Funding Statement 2021-22 Infrastructure Funding Statement 2020-21File type: PDFSize: 747.12 KBDownload Infrastructure Funding Statement 2020-21 Infrastructure Funding Statement 2019-20File type: PDFSize: 2.6 MBDownload Infrastructure Funding Statement 2019-20 CIL income and spend 2018-19File type: PDFSize: 443.34 KBDownload CIL income and spend 2018-19 S106 income and spend 2018-19File type: PDFSize: 458.83 KBDownload S106 income and spend 2018-19