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If your fixed penalty notice begins with EEC/FLY, use this form to pay for offences such as:

  • dropping litter
  • dog fouling and dog control offences
  • public urination
  • spitting140
  • flyposting
  • failing to comply with waste regulations 
  • street trading offences.

To pay your fixed penalty online you will need the notice number and offence code, which can be found on your fixed penalty notice (FPN).

Do not use this form for parking fines

Do not use this form if your fixed penalty notice begins with FPN, please pay here instead.

You will also need your debit or credit card details.

Making representations

There is no formal right to appeal a fixed penalty notice, but you can make representations to us in writing during the 14-day period allowed to pay the notice. 

Do not pay the penalty until you receive a decision from us. If you do pay the fine while we consider your representation, paying it will be considered an admission of liability.

Send your representation, setting out your reasons to or write to the address that appears on the fixed penalty notice.