Building on our strengths
Strength in people:
Making the most of everyone's abilities and potential to be as active and independent as possible. Building resilience so we can overcome challenges together and get the right support when we need it.
How we'll do this:
Ask people what matters to them and what they want to achieve
Build on what people can do (rather than focusing on what they can't)
Work together to overcome barriers to independence
Strength in communities:
Making the most of connections, social networks and community resources to include and support us all.
How we’ll do this:
Work with people, their families and their networks to connect them better with what's around them
Work with partner organisations to improve access and opportunities for all
Strength in diversity:
Treating everyone fairly and with respect, addressing inequalities and working to stamp out discrimination.
How we’ll do this:
Listen to residents, staff and partner organisations to develop ways to address inequality