The Royal Borough of Greenwich Reablement Service
Nancy's story
The Reablement Service offers short-term support (up to six weeks) for people in their homes, or wherever they're living. Reablement means: learning or re-learning the day-to-day skills needed to encourage self-confidence, support independence and promote healthy living.
After spending some time in hospital, Nancy was struggling with tasks involving mobility and was having three visits a day from carers. The Reablement Service worked with her so she could start to do more for herself, through personalised independence training and changing the way she used the equipment that assists her.
Previously, the Reablement Service only took on cases where residents would be able to leave the service fully independent. Now, they’re taking on more complex cases like Nancy’s, where there’s potential for at least some reablement and level of independence.
Name has been changed to protect identity.
Trevor's story
Trevor had previously lived independently in the community with no involvement from Royal Greenwich Health and Adult Services.
When he was admitted to hospital following a fall at home, he was very anxious about returning home. He had lost his confidence in his ability to move around and look after himself.
Before being discharged home Trevor, the Hospital Integrated Discharge Team and other professionals involved in Trevor’s treatment plan worked together and identified that Trevor may benefit from a period of reablement.
At first, Trevor had four visits a week from the Reablement service to work towards his goals of independence with personal care and meal preparation. The Reablement Occupational Therapist and Physiotherapist also provided equipment to help with showering and developed an exercise programme.
After 22 days working with the Reablement Service, Trevor felt he was fully independent in meeting his daily living needs. He was able to walk to the village, have his hair cut and began to feel like himself once again.
Trevor said he was very happy with the service that he received from the Reablement Service and could not thank them enough for their support.
Emile’s story: Charlton Athletic Community Trust’s Extra Time Hub
CACT’s Extra Time Hub gives people aged 55+ the chance to get together to take part in a wide range of activities, from curling to singing for health and exercise to music.
After the death of his wife, Emile started to go to a regular CACT Bereavement Walk run in partnership with Cruse, where he made a friendship that would see him open up about his life.
Emile was then encouraged to join CACT's Extra Time Hub, which he now attends regularly, taking part in various activities. A life-long football fan, he’s also started to attend the Walking Football sessions.
Emile says, “I love coming to all the sessions that I do with Charlton; I really, really enjoy it. I have met so many good people and made some great friends, and to be honest it has given me a purpose in life once again.”
The ‘Extra Time Hub’ is taking steps to open in a safe way for the future.