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The call-in process at Royal Greenwich

This is a decision review process within our scrutiny function. It allows for decisions made by the Cabinet, individual Cabinet Members and Directors to be reviewed before implementation.

Read about the process in Part 4, Section B of our Constitution

Steps of the call-in process 

The call-in process helps ensure transparency and accountability in local government decision-making. 

There are 6 steps in our call-in process. 

Step 1: Decision publication  

Decisions made by the Cabinet, a Cabinet Member or Director are published in the Forward Plan or as Individual Decisions.  

Anyone can search for a decision in the decision register.  

Step 2: Call-in period 

A decision can be called in for scrutiny up to 4 working days after it's published. This allows councillors to review the decision and decide if further examination is needed. 

Step 3: Initiating call-in 

At least 2 councillors must submit a written notice to the Chief Executive to initiate call-in. The notice must specify the: 

  • reasons for the call-in 
  • parts of the decision that need further scrutiny 
  • alternative decision sought 

Step 4: Scrutiny meeting 

When the Chief Executive receives a valid notice, the Overview and Scrutiny Call-in Sub-Committee must meet to consider the call-in.  

The meeting should be held within 20 working days of the call-in request. 

Step 5: Scrutiny options 

During the meeting, the Sub-Committee has several options. 

Let the decision stand 

If the Sub-Committee is satisfied with the decision, it can allow it to proceed without changes. 

Refer back for reconsideration 

The Sub-Committee can refer the decision back to the original decision-maker (Cabinet or Cabinet Member). They'll include recommendations for reconsideration, detailing their concerns. 

Refer to Full Council  

In exceptional cases, the Sub-Committee can refer the decision to the Full Council for further consideration. It would do this, for example, if it believes the decision conflicts with the Policy Framework or Budget. 

Decision-maker's response  

If the decision is referred back, the decision-maker must reconsider the decision, taking into account the Committee's recommendations. The decision-maker can either change the decision or confirm it as originally made.  

This reconsideration must occur within 20 working days and is not subject to further call-in. 

If you're concerned about a decision 

As a resident, you cannot directly call in decisions. You should contact your local councillor about your concerns. 

Councillors can then decide whether to initiate the call-in process. 

How you can get involved in the call-in process 

You can: 

  • stay informed about local decisions on our website 
  • contact your local councillor 
  • attend public meetings, including Scrutiny Panel meetings which are usually open to the public 

For more detailed information about the call-in process, contact the Corporate Governance team or your local councillor. 

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