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We plan to work with the community, residents, partners and Council officers, leading to lasting community actions and engagement.  

We have a new team of officers who will support the Our Greenwich: Community Engagement Pledge.  

Monitoring our 8 outcomes to stay on track

  1. Communities have greater trust in the Council, have a stronger voice and know their voice has been heard through feedback. 
  2. Communities are given access to a range of and more opportunities including to co-design the services they receive. 
  3. Community engagement is more visible and part of our decision-making process, with our governance arrangements ensuring meaningful and appropriate community engagement and influence. 
  4. Our staff show respect and compassion when working with communities and feel motivated and empowered to engage with them. 
  5. We have a better understanding of our community networks and assets. We use these to go to our communities instead of asking them to come to us. 
  6. We share community engagement data and information across the Council and with partners, to inform action. 
  7. We have improved the quality, diversity and accessibility of community engagement by upskilling staff and partners, and use of new tools and standards. 
  8. Our engagement activity is more joined up and we are taking the most insight we can out of every interaction. 

Delivery aims and objectives 

Aim 1: Build trust with residents and the community to enable community engagement and involvement in processes of decision making 

  • Objective 1: Review and improve online and offline engagement resources and approaches for better engagement 
  • Objective 2: Share reports, knowledge and insight from engaging with the community (both internally and with the sector) 
  • Objective 3: Develop a range of communications methods that enable more residents to participate in engagement activity 

Aim 2: Promote, highlight and amplify the voice of residents in decision making  

  • Objective 1: Promote the role of scrutiny and other Council governance processes for residents to get involved in  
  • Objective 2: Create engagement resources and opportunities using plans which influence decisions using the Continuous Engagement Cycle 
  • Objective 3: Outline, detail and use the scope of decision-making processes including where and when the resident voice and influence is called upon 

Aim 3: Extend the range of engagement opportunities for residents to meaningfully shape services and improve local outcomes 

  • Objective 1: Create more opportunities for communities to take part in deeper and broader engagement activities across all services in the Council 
  • Objective 2: Curate engagement activity to support local and borough wide representation from Royal Greenwich communities 
  • Objective 3: Highlight the voice of lesser heard groups and bring more diverse communities into the discussions and plans for the borough 

Aim 4: Build an engagement-ready culture within the Council to strengthen the work with residents 

  • Objective 1: Plan and deliver training and development for staff to do community engagement as a natural part of their work 
  • Objective 2: Maintain and manage a programme of engagement activity. This should show opportunities for collaboration and coordination with Council teams and partners so relationships and engagement are managed in a joint up way and share  findings for maximum impact 
  • Objective 3: Deliver more local engagement activities which invest in community partnerships, using community assets and networks