Functions of the Licensing Committee and sub-committees
Licensing decisions are made by one of the following:
- the Licensing Committee
- a licensing sub-committee
- officers within our Communities, Environment and Central directorate (with delegated authority)
To find out more about delegated licensing function read Part 3 of the Council constitution.
Licensing sub-committee meetings
We hold licensing sub-committee meetings when:
- a licensing application receives objections
- we receive an application to review a licensed premises
We hold the meetings online and record them.
View recorded meetings on our YouTube channel
Who can take part in a licensing sub-committee meeting
Parties to the hearing can participate in the meeting
- the applicant and their representatives
- those who have made written representation about the application or their designated representative
Find out how to object to a premises licence application
Speaking at a licensing sub-committee meeting
If you’ve made written representation about the application, we’ll let you know the date of the meeting and send you a link to attend the online meeting.
How to submit a request to speak
You must confirm that you want to speak at a meeting by 5pm on the last working day before the meeting.
If you cannot attend and have asked someone to speak on behalf, you must let the Committee Clerk know their name and email address.
At the meeting
When you join the online meeting, you must:
- display your name
- switch on your camera so the committee can see you
Reason we cannot accept a request to speak
We cannot accept a request to speak at a meeting unless you:
- have made written representation
- are a designated representative of someone who has made written representation
Submitting documents to a Licensing Sub-Committee meeting
If you’re submitting a licensing application or making representation, you must submit all documents for the meeting during the licensing consultation period.
Submitting late documents
If you want to submit documents after we publish the meeting agenda, you must:
- submit the documents before 5pm, 5 working days before the meeting
- explain why you did not submit the documents during the consultation period
- indicate why the documents are relevant to the hearing
Why the committee may not accept late documents
If the committee decide that any documents are not relevant to the application or to the representations made, they may not be accepted.