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Vacancies for the Standards Committee

The Royal Borough of Greenwich wishes to fill two Independent Member vacancies on its Standards Committee.  We are looking for individuals with the necessary skills and experience who will bring an external perspective to the work of the Committee. 

The main objectives of the Standards Committee include the following: 

  • The promotion of high standards of conduct by Royal Borough of Greenwich Councillors. 

  • Assisting Councillors to observe the Code of Conduct, in particular by ensuring access to training.  

  • Considering, and if appropriate, granting dispensations from requirements relating to interests set out in the Code of Conduct.  

  • Considering written complaints that a Councillor has failed to comply with the Code of Conduct and deciding what action to take following an investigation.  

Owing to the provisions of the Localism Act 2011, Independent Members are not entitled to vote at meetings, but their views are sought and taken into consideration.  They play a very important role in the Committee by bringing an external perspective. 

Applicants should be able to demonstrate relevant skills and experience to participate in the functions of the Committee.  You should be able to demonstrate the ability to think strategically, analyse information and to question effectively, have effective interpersonal skills, and have high standards of personal integrity. 

The Committee meets as required but at least once a year. There is a small allowance payable for the role which is presently £778.  

This role is not open to current Councillors or employees of the Royal Borough or those who have been Councillors or employees within the last 5 years.  You must not be (1) related to or have a close friendship or relationship with a Councillor or employee of the Council or (2) a member of a political party. 

If you would like to apply, please e-mail or write to: 

John Scarborough, Director of Legal & HR, Royal Borough of Greenwich, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London SE18 6HQ  

Applicants should set out why they believe they would be suitable for the roles with reference to the criteria described above. 

Closing Date for applications: Thursday 4 May 2023