Who is responsible for the policy?
The Royal Borough of Greenwich's Cabinet has overall responsibility for the policy and ensuring that adequate resources are provided for its implementation.
The Greenwich Management Team has responsibility for overseeing implementation of the policy and monitoring progress.
Managers are responsible for ensuring that all aspects of their services comply with the policy.
All Royal Borough employees are required to ensure fairness towards colleagues, service users and other members of the community in carrying out their duties.
Staff should help to promote the policy in all aspects of service delivery and work towards the elimination of discrimination.
Staff have a duty to report instances of discrimination to their manager at the earliest opportunity so that appropriate action can be taken to remedy the situation.
Service providers
The Royal Borough requires that those who provide services on its behalf or organisations which are funded by the Royal Borough of Greenwich, ensure that their service provision and employment practices are consistent with the policy.
Equality policy in other languages and formats
For further copies of the equality policy in another language or a different format, please contact the Equalities Information team.