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What you need to do as an employer

As an employer participating in our pension scheme you are required to follow the outlines in the procedure manual.

It is vital that these procedures are followed as errors such as under-collection of pension contributions, or errors in membership, could lead to the employer's contribution rate being incorrectly assessed during the valuation of the pension fund.


As an employer, you are required to publish your own discretions policy under regulation 66 of the Local Government Administration Regulations.

Download the statement of policy about exercise of discretionary functions

Pay overs

Employers are required to make payment of pension contributions to the Royal Borough of Greenwich by the 19th day of the month following that to which the contributions relate.

The completed form to accompany the payment should be sent to the Pensions office by the same date.

Download the admitted body pro forma

Please contact the Pensions team for a form to help you work out your monthly contribution schedule.

Form for starters and leavers

You can also download a starter, leaver and changes form below. These forms can be used by an employer when informing the Pensions team of a change of details.

View employers' forms