The Local Plan
The Local Plan is part of the Local Development Framework. It consists of:
- core strategy
- policies map
- site allocations
Core strategy
The Royal Greenwich Local Plan: Core Strategy with Detailed Policies is the key strategic planning document for the Royal Borough of Greenwich and is used to help shape development and determine planning applications.
It was adopted on 30 July 2014.
Download the adopted Core Strategy
Update, 4 August 2016: Policy H3 Affordable Housing, paragraph 4.1.16
Further to a Council decision of 29 October 2015, Royal Greenwich now applies the Greater London Authority's household income bands for intermediate housing.
Hard copies are available for £35 plus postage and packaging.
Policies map
The policies map sets out the policies and site allocations in Royal Greenwich. This includes areas for protection such as open space and conservation areas, town centre boundaries, and sites that have been identified for particular land uses. It was formerly known as the proposals map.
Interactive map showing the core strategy policies. View in full browser window.
There are also detailed inset maps of Woolwich, Eltham and Greenwich town centres.
The policies map was adopted in 2014.
View the Borough policies map as a PDF
View the town centres inset maps as PDF
New local plan
We are producing a new Local Plan to replace our adopted Core Strategy.
The new Local Plan will set out the council’s vision for the development of Royal Greenwich over the 15 year period 2021 to 2036.
It will provide a succinct and up-to-date framework for addressing the borough’s housing needs and other economic, social and environmental priorities. It will also give local people a platform to shape their surroundings.
The preparation of the new Local Plan will include several stages of drafting and consultation.