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Procedural documents

There are procedural planning policy documents. They are:

Statement of Community Involvement

This sets out the council’s commitment to community engagement in planning.  

Preparing it is a requirement of Section 18 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.  

It sets out how we will involve communities, residents, businesses and other groups in planning.  

This includes: 

  • the preparation, alteration and review of planning policy documents  

  • deciding planning applications 

We revised the statement after public consultation between 25 March and 28 April 2024. We adopted the revised statement on 18 September 2024. 

View the Statement of Community Involvement

Developers' Engagement Charter

This sets out our community engagement expectations for developers on major development schemes. It covers early planning stages through to completion of development.  

It includes developers having effective and positive engagement with: 

  • residents 

  • the community 

  • other stakeholders 

This should happen as early as possible and throughout the planning process. 

The charter gives advice on who, when and how developers should consult. It also sets out the level of detail we expect from developers about the community consultation they have done, especially during the pre-application stage. Developers must show that the engagement they have done has influenced and contributed to their proposals in a positive way. 

We held a public consultation on the charter between 25 March and 28 April 2024. We adopted it on 18 September 2024. 

View the Developers' Engagement Charter

Local Development Scheme

The Local Development Scheme (LDS) is the project plan for the production of the Local Plan.

The current Royal Borough of Greenwich LDS covers the period 2024-2027.

View the Local Development Scheme

Authority Monitoring Reports

Authority Monitoring Reports assess our progress in preparing the Local Plan and our success in policy implementation. They are usually prepared annually.

View the Authority Monitoring Reports