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Information for property buyers

A local land search is the established way to obtain a range of property information held by the local authority, such as:

  1. planning decisions
  2. highway adoption and road schemes
  3. conservation and tree preservation orders
  4. official notices
  5. building regulation matters

Prospective buyers need to know this kind of information before a purchase as it may restrict their plans for the property or affect its price or saleability when they come to sell, maybe many years later. This includes any legal restrictions or development proposals affecting a particular property.

The main search products are described below.

Search requests take 20 to 25 working days to process and complete.


This is an officially verified search of the Local Land Register, covering information such as:

  1. planning charges
  2. listed buildings
  3. local financial charges


The CON29R is a form of standard enquiries that asks the Royal Borough about a property. This search covers regular questions such as:

  1. road proposals
  2. proposed enforcement action
  3. compulsory purchase orders
  4. and other types of notices under the Planning, Highways and Public Health Act

CON29O (Questions 4 to 22)

The CON29O contains other optional, less requested information, such as:

  1. highway information
  2. planning information
  3. environmental information
  4. common land
  5. gas pipelines
  6. definitive footpaths

Highway Search

A specialised highway search can be carried out to provide an adopted road plan and a series of additional highway related checks made against a site.

You can request an official search for one or more official search products, or ask for information about specific questions within a search product. The products and fees are listed in the table below.

Please note Building Control searches are now operated on a self-service basis. 

Search product Fee (including VAT)
Full official search - LLC1 and CON29R £204
LLC1 only (local land charges register) £44 plus £12 for each additional parcel of land (VAT not applicable)
CON29R only (standard enquiries) £160 plus £32 for each additional parcel of land
All questions in CON29O £147
Individual questions in CON29R and CON29O £21
Enquirer's own questions (note that questions that need extensive research or a site visit will have different fees - check before requesting the search) £37 per question plus £13 for each additional parcel of land
Highway search  £70
Highway search with additional questions £211

Document requests: Copies of planning documents can be obtained by emailing

Document requests Fee
Copy of a Decision Notice or an Appeal Decision Notice £25
Copy of a plan - A4 £3
Copy of a plan - A3 £9
Copy of a plan - A2 and above £19
Copy of a Tree Preservation Order £49
Copy of s106 Agreement £57
Copy of Enforcement Notice/ Compliance Notice £49

Please note that most planning related documents are freely available on the online planning portal

Please also note that information relating to the discharge of planning conditions should be directed to

Personal Search

Personal search agents can request an extract of the Local Land Charges Register for a specific address or development site. Upon request, the Local Land Charges team will generate the extract and return the results via email. This service is provided free of charge.  

Please be aware

  • Search validation: The initial results provided from a Personal Search are unfiltered and unvalidated. They may include entries related to adjacent properties, which are typically filtered out during the paid LLC1 service. Consequently, Local Land Charge Officers will not routinely engage in follow-up discussions to clarify these results. Validation and detailed checking of search results are available as a paid service. 


  • Agent responsibilities: Personal Search Agents should undertake their own research and apply professional judgment to validate the search results. 


Situations requiring additional assistance 

  1. Suspected errors: If a search agent identifies a potential error in the registry entry, a Council Officer will provide support and make necessary updates to the Register. 


  1. Insufficient details: If a registry entry lacks essential details (e.g. missing reference number) that are critical to ascertain its relevance to the specified address, a Council Officer will assist in clarifying these details. 

For further information or specific inquiries, please contact us at:


Contact land charges

For LLC1/CON29 enquiries, email:

For highways searches, email:

For personal searches, email:

For document requests, email: