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If an Approved Inspector is unable to carry out their functions, the Initial Notice must be cancelled. The Approved Inspector or the person carrying out the work must cancel it.

If the work has not started, you can submit a new Initial Notice. 

If the work has started, you must apply for Reversion. This means the responsibility for building control returns to our building control team.

We will determine if the work that's been done so far is compliant with relevant regulations. To help us do this you will need to send us:

  • some forms, descriptions and plans
  • the technical information pack
  • photographs and information issued by the Approved Inspector

What to send us

Forms, descriptions and plans

  • a completed Form 7 Cancellation Notice
  • a completed Reversion Notice
  • a full description of the work
  • plans showing the layout before the work started
  • details of the work carried out so far and what further work is intended. For example, this can be plans, sections and specifications

Technical information pack

This should include structural calculations and drawings and information on service installations, including:

  • drainage
  • plumbing
  • heating
  • mechanical
  • electrical
  • firefighting
  • energy calculations
  • pressure tests
  • sound tests
  • statutory consultations
  • formal agreements
  • specialist engineer reports and calculations
  • third party warranties and any commissioning certificates

Photographs and information issued by the Approved Inspector

Include photographs of the work in progress, or other evidence as may be applicable.  This may help to show compliance and reduce the need to lay open elements of the structure for inspection.

Include all information issued by the Approved Inspector, including:

  • Plans Certificates
  • site inspections records
  • actions and outcomes

Send all the information to us by email:

What happens next

When we receive your application and validate it, the case officer will contact you to agree how best to move the project forward.

If you do not hear from us within 14 days, email us at:

How much Reversion costs

This depends on:

  • the project particulars
  • how much time we will need to be satisfied that it complies with the relevant regulations

We will determine the charge based on the information you send us and confirm it with you by email.