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What is the Women's Safety Charter?

The Royal Borough of Greenwich's Women's Safety Charter sends a clear message to anyone who lives, works, studies or visits the borough that the safety of all women and girls is a priority. It also helps women and girls feel safer in spaces accessed by the public.

Why you should sign up

Anyone who lives, studies, visits or works in the borough should be free to do so without fear of sexual harassment, intimidation or violence.

We work in close partnership with our local communities, businesses and organisations to take a zero tolerance approach to sexual harassment, making sure that Royal Greenwich is safe for everyone. With your support, we can achieve this.

Reasons for businesses and organisations to sign up include:

  • If women and girls feel safe at your venue, and can tell you about sexual harassment, they are more likely to visit more often
  • No-one wants sexual harassment, intimidation and violence at their venue. By signing up, it will discourage those harassing others from doing so
  • With your agreement, Royal Greenwich will promote the fact that you have signed up to the Women's Safety Charter, attracting positive attention and publicity
  • Empowering your staff and local community to take a zero tolerance approach to sexual harassment.


The Charter consists of a Pledge signed by local businesses and organisations, who agree to uphold its principles and display it on their premises.

The principles of the Pledge for businesses and organisations are to:

  • promote a culture that does not tolerate or accept harmful language, behaviour and attitudes towards women and girls
  • take any reports and disclosures of sexual harassment, violence or intimidation seriously and take appropriate action
  • do everything they can to provide an environment for women and girls that is equal, inclusive and safe
  • proudly support Royal Greenwich's movement towards being a safe place for all women and girls.

There is also a version of the Charter for individuals. By signing the Pledge, you agree to:

  • Not tolerate or accept harmful language, behaviour and attitudes towards women and girls
  • Never commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women and girls
  • Do everything you can to make sure women and girls feel safe, included, represented and equal
  • In the workplace, to take any reports and disclosures of sexual harassment, violence or intimidation seriously and take appropriate action 
  • Proudly support Royal Greenwich's movement towards being a safe place for all women and girls

Sign the individual Women's Safety Pledge now.

How to sign up

Any business, organisation or agency in Royal Greenwich can sign up for free, including schools and universities, community centres, taxi firms and public places (such as museums, libraries and leisure centres).

Signing up involves:

  • identifying a lead from your organisation who we can liaise with
  • signing the Pledge, agreeing to uphold its principles and to display it on your premises
  • displaying posters to raise awareness of sexual harassment, coercive control and drink spiking
  • meeting with one of our officers to receive information on the Charter, relevant signposting information and brief advice on sexual harassment
  • re-signing the Pledge annually.

You will get:

To find out more information, and to sign up, contact the Safer Communities Team.