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How we are reducing drug and alcohol related harm

The Greenwich Combating Drugs Partnership Board (CDP) is a multi-agency forum. Our aim is to carry out the National Drugs Strategy (GOV.UK).

Who is part of the CDP

The CDP brings together local partners in the Royal Borough of Greenwich including:

  • police
  • National Probation Service
  • NHS
  • local authority officials such as Adult and Children's Services and education
  • drug and alcohol treatment providers
  • secure estate such as prisons and young offender institutions
  • Department of Work and Pensions
  • lived experience organisations (LEROs)
  • housing and community sector organisations

The partnership aims to reduce drug-related harm, combat illegal drugs and the harm they cause in the community. It also engages and works with other key stakeholders when needed.

The Public Health team chairs and administers the CDP. The Senior Responsible Office is the Director of Public Health.

See the Combating Drugs Partnership's governance structure

What the CDP does

The partnership is responsible for understanding and addressing shared challenges in Royal Greenwich about drug and alcohol-related harm based on the needs of the local community. It reports back to central government on local delivery and performance.

The partnership focuses on delivering 3 strategic priorities:

  • break drug supply chains
  • deliver a world-class treatment and recovery system
  • reduce the demand for drugs

It is responsible for delivering 6 national outcomes within the borough:

  • reduce drug use
  • reduce drug-related crime
  • reduce drug-related deaths and harm
  • reduce drug supply
  • increase engagement in drug and alcohol treatment
  • improve drug recovery outcomes

Download the Combating Drugs Partnership's terms of reference