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We have established the Anchored in Greenwich partnership to bring together organisations who:

  • are at the centre of the local economy
  • have a stake in the borough as major employers
  • have purchasing power, land and assets
  • are cooperatives or community interest organisations

The partnership helps support organisations to maximise the benefits they bring to the economy by:

  • giving advice, support and training to organisations
  • using our spending power and role as employers to encourage fair and equal local economic development
  • bringing institutions together to work on shared priorities and increase the impact of the work they're all doing
  • increasing the number of community wealth building approaches among institutions through advocacy
  • creating new ways to build community wealth in the UK through land and asset management, employment and community finance

Aims and outcomes

They aim to deliver change at three levels.

  1. Greenwich: Develop organisational capacity to direct local assets for local economic and social benefit
  2. Network: To support individuals to create a more inclusive Greenwich economy
  3. Individuals: Create positive change in how the Greenwich economy works

They aim to achieve the following outcomes:

  • grow local and social supply chains to achieve local economic value
  • increase the number of employees from deprived areas of the borough
  • create ways to manage land and assets owned by institutions to maximise benefits for Greenwich


The partnership is made up of organisations across the public, private and third sector including:

  • Royal Borough of Greenwich
  • GCDA
  • GLL
  • Greenwich Enterprise Board
  • Greenwich Hospital
  • London South East Colleges
  • Metro Charity
  • Peabody
  • Ravensbourne University London
  • University of Greenwich
  • Visit Greenwich

Partners have signed a charter to commit to use spending and employment power and land and assets to achieve its goals.

Partners have pledged to:

  • build local supply chains and award more contracts to businesses in the borough
  • explore how land and assets can be used to give more space to businesses. In particular, social based cooperatives, social enterprises and community interest companies
  • decarbonise to prevent and adapt to the climate crisis and find out how to support these activities
  • become a Living Wage Place to address low pay in response to the cost of living crisis. This celebrates the areas doing more to commit to the Living Wage

Three partnership groups

Anchor Executive Group

Senior representatives from each anchor institution. These act as champions for community wealth building in their own organisations. They meet regularly to arrange activities between the different workstreams and engage across the borough.

Network Coordination Group

Representatives from each of the participating anchor institutions who act as champions for community wealth building in their own organisations.

They meet regularly to arrange activities between different workstreams and engage across the borough.

Network Working Groups (Sub groups)

Officers from relevant services and teams who focus on progressing specific workstreams.

Sub groups meeting charter pledges

We have 3 sub groups to meet the charter pledges. These focus on:

  • championing the London Living Wage to address in-work poverty and create a more inclusive local economy
  • supporting the development of a framework and criteria for social value and giving councils the tools to improve local and social economic outcomes
  • championing economic growth that respects the environment, reduces carbon emissions, increases biodiversity and build climate resilience

To find out more or join the partnership email