Our Culture Strategy belongs to the whole borough and was developed with a range of partners and individuals. We will only be able to deliver our ambitions by working in partnership.
We will need to work across several sectors to achieve the impact that we all want to see. We will set up a new Culture Board to guide the delivery of the Culture Strategy. This will help us develop shared action plans that will achieve greater impact compared to working alone.
Our approach will be collaborative and evolve over time, building on our strengths and successes and adapting to opportunities and change.
A strong groundwork for partnership working will enable us to test new ways of working. It will also allow us pilot projects that can develop into strong programmes throughout the duration of this Strategy to reach our Vision for 2030.
This Culture Strategy works alongside the individual plans and creative ambitions of people in our borough, ensuring that the Strategy remains driven and responsive to its people and communities.
The principles and vision align with and support the delivery of other strategies that the Royal Borough of Greenwich has such as:
- Our Greenwich
- the 10 Year Regeneration Plan
- Health and Wellbeing Plan
- Inclusive Economy Strategy
- Local Plan
The Strategy will also work to support some of the goals set out by key stakeholders such as:
- Arts Council England
- The National Heritage Lottery Fund
- Historic England
- the Mayor of London’s Culture Strategy for London
- Thames Estuary Growth Board
We will actively seek to work in partnership with these organisations and others.
Culture, Heritage and the Creative Economy can unlock the potential of our communities more when they work together.
By uniting our efforts and working collaboratively towards shared goals, we can overcome challenges, seize opportunities and make our vision a reality.