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Themes shaping our Culture Strategy

Our Culture Strategy is shaped by three key themes.


We’ll aim to support people in creating work to make sure their creative future is bright, and our borough will be known worldwide as a great place for creativity.

We’ll encourage more leaders from different backgrounds, so creativity and culture are more inclusive and relevant, representing the diversity of our borough today. 


We’ll better connect the considerable wealth of talent, knowledge and experience in the borough to realise our full potential. We’ll nurture the Creative Economy, with supportive networks and spaces to work.

Our communities will be better connected and tell their own heritage stories and traditions within their neighbourhoods. Local creativity will connect with our international reputation of culture.


We will enable our communities and organisations to thrive because we value culture and creativity, with access to learning and participation opportunities that develop skills and lifelong learning, improve mental health and wellbeing and achieve cohesion.

We want to make the local creative economy is better skilled, inclusive and attract more visitors – locally, nationally and internationally. This will make cultural vibrancy evident across the borough.