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The borough will need strong entrepreneurial cultural leadership to take advantage of future opportunities. This means building a sector that is imaginative, innovative and as diverse as our communities. 

What we want

  • Our residents see themselves represented in our borough’s cultural leadership, acting as role models for our young people who imagine themselves as our future leaders.
  • People from different backgrounds to become leaders in culture and help shape the future of the arts and heritage in our borough, keeping our cultural activities exciting, varied and relevant to our residents.
  • People from diverse communities to be fully represented in the workforce as creators, leaders, and decision-makers in our cultural organisations.

What we will do

  • Work with cultural partners and organisations to recognise and empower new leaders, especially people from backgrounds that are underrepresented in arts and heritage.
  • Create a Culture Board that includes a range of diverse voices to challenge thinking about ways of working and to lead on driving the Culture Strategy.
  • Establish a creative network that brings together multidisciplined creative practitioners and cultural organisations to generate new ideas, collaborative working and partnerships.
  • Secure partnerships and investment to deliver training and development towards an entrepreneurial and resilient sector.

What difference it will make

Our borough will have a wide range of people who are cultural leaders, and leadership will be better representative of the diversity and backgrounds of our residents by 2030. Our creative sector will be a fairer, sustainable, prosperous, and resilient.