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What you need to tell us

If you are already getting Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support and you do not tell us about changes in your circumstances, you could be paid too much benefit and have to pay back the overpayment.

It is your responsibility to notify us about any change of circumstances affecting you, your partner, or anyone else living in your home, that you think will affect your Housing Benefit and/or Local Council Tax Support.

Changes in your circumstance that will affect your Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support include:

  • address, if you move to another property
  • income, wages or savings
  • tax credits
  • pension
  • Income Support or Jobseeker's Allowance
  • income of other people living in your home
  • someone else moves into your property
  • your children leaving school or starting work
  • anyone in your household going into hospital
  • leaving the country
  • birth of a child
  • amount of rent you pay.

Tell us about a change in your circumstances

Email to tell us about a change in your circumstances.

You cannot use our online form to tell us about a change in your circumstances at this time.