How to appeal
You must appeal to us first if it's about:
- the bill amount, for example, if we've said you're not eligible for a discount, exemption or Council Tax Reduction
- your liability, for example, if you believe you're not responsible for paying
- an empty premium charge
- a completion notice
- a Council Tax penalty notice
Challenge your Council Tax band
You need to go to the Valuation Office Agency to challenge your Council Tax band.
You must appeal in writing by post or email. You must tell us:
- your full name
- your address
- your Council Tax account number
- why you're appealing
You should include any supporting evidence and fully explain the reason for your appeal.
Royal Borough of GreenwichRevenues Service
The Woolwich Centre
35 Wellington Street
London SE18 6HQ
We'll make a decision within 2 months.
You must continue to pay Council Tax while you wait for our decision. If your appeal is successful, we'll refund you any overpayment due.
If we reject your appeal
We'll tell you the reasons why. You can ask us to reconsider our decision if you do not agree.
You can write to us by post or email, including:
- why you think the decision is wrong
- what you believe we have not considered in our decision
You should also provide any further proof that may help us to reconsider our decision.
If you're not happy with our decision
You can appeal to the Valuation Tribunal within 2 months if you:
- think our decision about your appeal is wrong
- have not heard from us about your appeal within 2 months
Appeal to the Valuation Tribunal.
Appeals you can take to the Valuation Tribunal
There are 6 types of Council Tax appeals you can take to the Valuation Tribunal.
Council tax banding
If you're not happy that the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) decided not to change your band.
Council Tax liability
If you're not happy about:
- who we decided is responsible for paying
- a decision we made about a discount or exemption
- an empty premium charge
Council Tax Reduction
If you're not happy about a decision relating to your claim.
Council Tax completion notice
If you believe the date used in the valuation list is wrong.
Invalidity notice
These are issued by the VOA if they say you have not followed the correct process to challenge your band. If you disagree, you can appeal.
Council Tax penalty notice
If you think we've wrongly given you a Council Tax penalty notice.