Leafing season
In autumn, we experience heavy leaf fall. This is often between October and December. During this time, we changes our street cleansing schedules to respond to this.
Schedule of road cleaning
We will clean roads with heavy leaf fall from Monday 21 October to Friday 20 December 2024.
If your street is on the list, it will be cleaned once every 2 weeks.
If your road is listed, your cleansing day may have changed. This is only temporary and will return to normal after the leafing period.
We will clean all other residential roads once every 3 weeks. Our teams will face extra cleansing on these roads, as they will also be clearing leaves which will take longer to complete.
What you can do to help
We ask residents to:
- not sweep leaves from your gardens and driveways out onto the public highway, as this increases the workload
- dispose of leaves as garden waste in your green top bins (or paper or corn starch bag).
Find out more about the food and garden waste collection service