Our Local Account
Our Local Account reports on how our social care and therapy services are performing and the impact they have had on residents' outcomes.
We are committed to supporting residents to get the best outcomes by focusing on their strengths as promised in the Health and Adults' Services Vision.
This past year has seen a lot of pressure and demand on health and adult services. Despite the challenges, we have improved our performance and are working hard with providers to plan and develop services in a cost effective and sustainable manner.
Our vision
Our vision is to work together to make sure everyone living in Royal Greenwich lives the best lives they can.
Our priorities for 2023 to 2024 and beyond
Over the next year, our focus will be on:
- assistive technology enabled care
- developing new models of care to increase choice and control for people using care services
- supported employment
- opening Royal Hill Independent Living Service
- redesigning the Greenwich Community Directory
- supporting mental health and wellbeing
Read our Local Account report
Get involved
Stay engaged and give us feedback by emailing healthandadultsfeedback@ royalgreenwich.gov.uk