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Advice, information and equipment

We can provide you with a wide range of advice, information and advocacy services and contacts:

  • support from our sensory enablement service
  • information on national and local deaf and hard of hearing organisations
  • information on British Sign Language (BSL) and lip reading classes
  • basic advice on welfare rights and benefits and basic advice on housing
  • information about where to find other services in Royal Greenwich, for example Citizens Advice Bureau and housing advisers, with advice on access to these services for deaf and hard of hearing people
  • support with applications for travel permits and bus passes, disabled person's railcard and the text users rebate scheme for textphone users
  • advice on Text Relay, a national relay system for textphone users


Equipment for the hearing impaired

There is a lot of equipment that can be useful for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. We can assess your equipment needs, provide equipment for people in need, or help you find the right supplier.

The team can help you with:

  • advice and information on equipment for deaf and hard of hearing people
  • an assessment of your equipment and adaptation needs by a technical officer
  • supply and installation of equipment including door alerting systems, pager receivers, smoke alarm transmitters, and baby alarms.