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Resources to educate against racism for schools in Royal Greenwich

Suggested EDI CPD, curriculum and governance providers

The Educate Against Racism partnership resource directory provides links to recommended organisations who can support Royal Greenwich schools with:

  • delivering Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) CPD at whole school, group or individual level
  • developing a racially equitable curriculum offer
  • EDI advice and support for governors

View the resource directory

Educate Against Racism audit

Criteria and questions

  1. Is race equity fully considered in the recruitment process?
  2. Is the curriculum diverse and reflect the community and society?
  3. Have all staff had anti-racist training?
  4. Have all staff had unconscious bias training?
  5. Does the learning environment reflect the diversity of society?
  6. Do resources reflect the diversity of society?
  7. Do books reflect the diversity of society?
  8. Have you considered key policies through a race equity lens?
  9. Does the school have a named governor for race equity?
  10. Is the school signed up to the RGB equality and equity charter?
  11. Do you consider ethnicity in your data analysis processes? For example, achievement, behaviour, attendance
  12. Does the school have a staff action group?
  13. Do staff reflect the diversity of society?
  14. Are parents and carers kept informed about the anti-racist work the school is doing?
  15. Are parents and carers engaged in the school’s anti-racist work?  

If you'd like to print these questions to do your own school audit, download our Educate Against Racism audit template.