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Fair access

A fair access protocol exists to ensure that children without a school place, especially the most vulnerable, are offered a place at an appropriate school as quickly as possible.

Children admitted through the fair access panel get priority over children who wish to transfer to another school and those who are waiting for an appeal.

The Fair Access Panel

If your child is experiencing difficulties in school or is not receiving education and all other measures have been exhausted, their case may be referred to our Fair Access Panel.

When does the panel meet?

During the academic year, the primary fair access panel meets monthly, and the secondary fair access panel meets every three weeks.

Who attends the panel?

Membership is designed to provide expert opinion and advice so the panel can make an informed decision.

The panel includes headteachers and senior leaders from Royal Greenwich schools and alternative education providers. The council is represented by senior officers or designated representatives from:

  • School Admissions
  • School Attendance
  • Behaviour Support
  • Early Help
  • Educational Psychology
  • Safeguarding and Social Care
  • School Nursing
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS)

The secondary panel also has a representative from the Youth Offending Service.

Parent or carer consent

You'll need to give consent for the designated representatives to share information about your child at the meeting.

Can I attend the panel?

No. The panel is for professionals only. However, your views and wishes are taken into consideration as part of the decision-making process.

How are decisions made?

The panel considers all information available so that the appropriate education provision can be offered to your child.

The panel takes into account:

  • your child’s needs and family circumstances
  • information provided by your child’s previous or current school
  • school vacancies and how many children have already been admitted to each school
  • where the school is located and the journey from your home
  • recommendations made by professionals and those agencies currently working with your child
  • religious affiliation
  • the views of you and your child
  • any additional support your child needs

After the decision

If the panel offer your child a place, the school will contact you to make the necessary admission arrangements.

If the panel agrees your child needs further support to settle into their new school, you'll be asked to attend:

  • an initial meeting to discuss the support needed and set targets
  • an interim review meeting after 3 weeks
  • a final review meeting after 5 weeks

If your child has been offered a place at an alternative educational setting, you will be contacted by a Local Authority officer who will advise you about the offer, and the next steps to get your child started.

If the panel decided that a move to another school would not be in your child’s best interests at this time, the current education provider will work with you to take this forward, offering additional support for your child where appropriate. Sometimes referrals are made to outside agencies and other services so that your child can receive the support they need.

Guidance on Fair Access

The Government has issued non-statutory guidance on Fair Access that schools, governors and local authorities should follow.

Download the Consent form for referral to the Fair Access Panel

Further information

For further information about primary or secondary schools Fair Access, email us at:

For further information about exclusions, read about school exclusions