When you can request a review
If a licensed premises is causing you problems and you feel it's not adequately promoting the licensing objectives under the Licensing Act 2003, you can request that we review it.
The licensing objectives are:
- prevention of crime and disorder
- prevention of public nuisance
- public safety
- protection of children from harm.
View a licensing register of existing premises
Please note - You can only seek a review if both of the following apply:
- you're classed under the Licensing Act 2003 Act as an 'other person' or 'responsible authority'
- your request relates to the failure of the business to address one or more of the four licensing objectives under the Licensing Act 2003.
Your request must not be frivolous, vexatious or repetitious. You can be fined up to £5,000 if you make a false statement on the application form.
If you're unhappy about a new premises licence application, you need to object to a premises licence application.
Read the residents guide to premises licence for more information
How to request a review
Please note – You cannot request a review anonymously.
Request a review of a premises licence or club certificate
What happens next
We'll send a copy of your application to:
- all responsible authorities
- the holder of the premises licence or club premises certificate for the premises.
We'll publish notice of your application:
- on or near the premises for 28 days
- at our main office - on the information display board in Wellington Street
- on our website.
This notice won't give your name and address.
We may also write to all people living within 100 metres of the premises to advise them of your application.
Mediation meeting
We'll hold a 'mediation' meeting to discuss your application. You'll be invited to attend the meeting along with the premises licence or club premises certificate holder.
If we're unable to resolve your application by meditation, we'll hold a Sub-Committee meeting.
Sub-Committee meeting
The Sub-Committee can choose any of the following actions:
- to modify the licence conditions
- to exclude a licensable activity from the licence
- to give a warning to the licence holder
- to remove the Designated Premises Supervisor
- to suspend the licence for a period of not more than three months
- to revoke the licence.
If you're unhappy with the result
If we decide to reject your application for review, we'll write to you and explain our decision and our reasons for it. If you're unhappy with this, you may apply to the High Court for a judicial review of our decision.