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Apply for a dangerous wild animal licence

You must get a dangerous wild animal licence if you wish to keep a dangerous animal in England. A dangerous wild animal can be:

  • big cats
  • alligators or crocodiles
  • wild dogs or wolves
  • certain snakes
  • large birds
  • invertebrates such as spiders and scorpions

View the full list of dangerous wild animals

The licence ensures that you're qualified to care for the animal and that it's kept in safe and appropriate conditions. It's a legal requirement under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 (GOV.UK).

How long your licence will last

If you get a new licence, it will expire at the end of the year that it was granted. 

When you renew your licence, it will then last for up to 2 years.

Fees for 2024 and 2025

Item Cost
New licence — Dangerous Wild Animals for a commercial or outside premises £739.07
Renewal licence — Dangerous Wild Animals for a commercial or outside premises £650.17
New licence — Dangerous Wild Animals for domestic dwelling £643.82
Renewal licence — Dangerous Wild Animals for domestic dwelling £554.92
Assessment of Dangerous Wild Animals on location requests £101.05
Dangerous Wild Animals inspection on location visit — first hour including travelling and report writing £114.04
Dangerous Wild Animals inspection on location visit — additional charge per hour £63.47

Apply for a dangerous wild animal licence

If you are not sure if your premises are suitable to house the animal you are considering, you may request an assessment or inspection before you apply for the licence.

Contact our team to get an application form or request an assessment.

Contact the Animal Licensing Team

This department is not open for visiting by the public.

Licensing Team,
Fourth Floor, The Woolwich Centre
35 Wellington Street
Woolwich, SE18 6HQ

Telephone: 0208 921 8018


Read our guidance document on dangerous wild animals