Energy Supply

Borehole drilling at Ernest Dence Estate
The national electricity grid will not be entirely fossil-fuel-free by 2030. This means that there would still be significant emissions from electricity use across the borough due to widespread electrification of heating and transport
While changes to the national electricity grid ultimately rely on national policy, action can be taken locally to roll out decentralised, sustainable energy, to develop ‘smart’ approaches to how and when we use energy.
Our actions
Energy demand reductions are generally the most cost-effective way to reduce carbon emissions with less systemic or behavioural change required. However, supply is essential to ensure that what is consumed is sourced from low/zero carbon sources.
We have set an aspirational target to achieve, at a minimum, that zero-carbon heat networks serve 13,000 homes, 10% of the borough's heat demand.
Progress so far
We’ve made progress on sustainable and decentralised energy and have identified large scale infrastructure projects. So far, we have:
engaged in a London-wide programme – Solar Together – through which 130 homes have registered to install solar panels
undertook a borough-wide District Heat Network feasibility study, to identify the best options for installing low carbon heat supplies
successfully worked with local authority neighbours to develop a Local Area Energy Plan (LEAP) which will identify decarbonisation and grid capacity opportunities for development across the borough
Read the full Action Plan for Energy Supply for more details of specific actions we’re taking.