We will spark cultural growth and cultural engagement that powers up our communities, support our creative people and industries, boosting inclusivity and making us all healthier and happier.
What we want
- Arts organisations and creative people working with more communities where they are.
- People creating together, because taking part in creative activities makes them feel good and creates a sense of togetherness.
- Our borough’s local people to be confident and able to make their own creative ideas happen.
- Different cultures being shared and celebrated, helping us to understand each other better.
- Everyone to be enjoying culture and doing creative things, because nothing stands in their way.
What we will do
- Bring creative practitioners and organisations together, to find ways that will connect them to collaborate more with our communities where they are.
- Continue working with the voluntary sector to make creative activity a part of their work with communities, sharing good practice and excellence and strengthening ways that creativity can support people’s health and wellbeing.
- Reduce barriers to access and involvement, enabling more people to create new work for their communities and enhance awareness of opportunities.
- Support the next generation to create their own pathways towards paid employment and creative careers.
- Listen to people about the things that stop them joining in, and work with the sector to do better meet their needs.
What difference it will make
People in our borough will feel stronger, happier and healthier by 2030 due to cultural and creative opportunities. They will have the chance to take part in culture where they live, study and work, and to successfully pursue their own creative careers.