We're on a mission to fill our places with cultural excitement. We want to raise the borough's profile as a place where culture thrives.
Our goal is to ensure everyone can enjoy parks, green spaces, great buildings, events, inspiring community art projects, and new cultural initiatives in public spaces.
What we want
- Cultural activities, festivals in public spaces, community celebrations and art in the public realm that contribute towards place-making. This would make our places and spaces more exciting, attractive and enjoyable to live, work and study in.
- Heritage buildings, green spaces for nature and outdoor places for the community that are accessible, cherished and looked after.
- People living in our borough with creative ideas and talent can contribute towards the vibrancy of their area and be supported to do so.
- Both existing communities and people new to the borough are welcomed and included in cultural activities and opportunities.
- Creative interventions in public places that reflect what makes the people who live there special and makes them feel proud.
- Culture and creativity that influences place-shaping in new future developments and is integral in the design of new places and town centres.
What we will do
- Embed culture and creativity in planning and urban strategies for the borough.
- Make sure that more creative practitioners are aware of opportunities to contribute towards making our places and spaces vibrant and inspired.
- Bring people in their neighbourhoods together to explore ways that arts and creative activity can make their places even better, with art and activities in the public realm.
- Create opportunities for creativity, culture and heritage to play a bigger role in our high streets, town centres and neighbourhoods, helping to make them even better places to be.
What difference it will make
In 2030, spaces across the borough will be alive with creative activity with more people able to enjoy events, high-quality art projects in their community and beautiful public spaces.
New developments and the regeneration of our town centres and post-industrial sites will be well designed and high quality and will attract new creative organisations, individuals and businesses.